Is Medical Marijuana Effective for HIV/AIDS?

Marijuana Effective hiv

It gets hard to perform the routine for a person even when suffering from a cold and cough. The pain and struggle can undoubtedly increase with the severity of a medical condition like HIV/AIDS. After Florida Amendment 2 came into effect in 2017, the ones struggling after having tested with this virus can sigh with hope. Allowing legal access to marijuana for medical reasons has simplified ways to hinder the deliberating effects of the virus.

Before you draw the bottom line, it is always wise to learn and understand the situation beforehand. Not only does it open the scope of battling the life-sticking virus, but it can also give a clear picture of the situation. In this blog, let’s take a look at the influence of medical marijuana on HIV:

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

The term HIV is not unknown to you, but before you understand the impact of marijuana on its treatment, it is necessary that you learn about its level of severity. As the name gives a hint, HIV is a virus, which attacks the white blood cells, eventually hampering the immune system of the person’s body. Someone with HIV is more likely to be affected by infections and diseases and has a limited ability to fight with them.

Like other illnesses, HIV can grow and turn adverse too. It can reach its later stages, the last of which is (AIDS) Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Our body is not capable of fighting the virus, making it stay for longer, also there is no cure. However, there is still a ray of hope! Several medicines and treatments have proven to be effective for battling the symptoms. This can widen the scope for the patients to live a long and healthy life.

Medical Marijuana and HIV/AIDS

HIV patients have to undergo (ART) antiretroviral therapy as a part of their treatment, but it can have side effects too. Appetite loss, diarrhea, fatigue, nausea, anxiety are some of them. Generally, using medical marijuana in HIV patients relieves vomiting, nausea, and appetite loss caused by infection or medications for treating it. Medical Marijuana is also a solution for pain caused due to the illness.

Cannabis treatment for HIV influences the overall gut function, eventually lessening the symptoms like abdominal pain and nausea. Marijuana also proves effective for battling anxiety and depression, which are other conditions that a person infected with HIV faces.

Trying Marijuana for HIV

Medical marijuana has attained a strong medicinal value by suppressing many symptoms and even the aftermaths of antiretroviral therapy. However, this doesn’t mean that what works for a person would work the exact way for the other. Don’t worry! It doesn’t mean or can stop you from using Marijuana for HIV treatment. Rather, every person needs a recommendation and the dosage, which goes well as per the need. Just to ensure that you don’t face any hindrance to your treatment, it is always advised to qualify for medical marijuana evaluations.


After attacking the immune system, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus impacts his/her capability to battle illnesses. Even though the virus can’t be cured, with due care, the patient can live a long and healthy life with it. Medical Marijuana impacts several symptoms of the illnesses as well as the side effects of antiretroviral therapy. However, before proceeding with it, you would need to have a recommendation from a physician, and other formalities also include receiving the medical card. For this, it is advised to go for medical marijuana evaluation.


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